Sacred Spiral Half Moon Temple Call February

This 60-minute community call is exclusively for women walking the Priestess path within The Sacred Spiral container.
February 21st, 2025
Sign up


Join Kate for a women's circle working with the Wheel of the Year energies. This is a digital (online) ceremony and is for women inside The Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey.

Sacred Spiral Half Moon Temple Call February

Feeling called to start or deepen your journey on the Priestess Path? The Sacred Spiral is a deep and ceremonious journey, infused with seasonal wisdom, led by Kate Murphy. Immerse yourself into ceremonies, rituals, and wisdom teachings, while you learn to embody the sacred feminine and the old ways into your everyday life.

This is A Year-and-a-Day Priestess Spiral guided by The Sacred Seasons.

Date :
February 21st, 2025
In Depth:

Feeling called to start or deepen your journey on the Priestess Path? The Sacred Spiral is a deep and ceremonious journey, infused with seasonal wisdom, led by Kate Murphy. Immerse yourself into ceremonies, rituals, and wisdom teachings, while you learn to embody the sacred feminine and the old ways into your everyday life.

This is A Year-and-a-Day Priestess Spiral guided by The Sacred Seasons.


The session will be held online.

A Zoom link will be provided in advance of the session.


None Required.


Wear clothing that feels comfortable and expressive of you for ceremony. There may be light movement.


11 AM PST / 2 PM EST / 8 PM CET


⊙ Bring a pillow and/or blanket

⊙ Bring a journal & pen

⊙ Please download and install Zoom beforehand

Sign up

Your Guide, Kate Murphy

Kate has been walking the path of priestess for over 13 years, and is an initiated High Priestess of the Rose Lineage. She has studied and trained within the Magdalene path, The Golden Age, and is an initiated priestess of Avalon. Kate is also deeply immersed within her Celtic priestess heritage and ancestral lines, which influence much of her work. She weaves her teachings with these different influences, which combine into what she refers to as The Feminine Code.

The core of all her teachings is rooted in nature, union and unity, and based on love. Therefore her non-dogmatic approach is accessible to all who are open to the alchemy of the Divine Feminine & Great Nature. Kate’s devotion to the Path of Priestess permeates through all her work including her business endeavours, where she also weaves the divine masculine and feminine aspects together to help women create and scale businesses that are aligned and successful. She is a conscious entrepreneur with a strong business background (BBA, MBA, tech Founder & CEO) that has founded several successful companies.

Beyond the business experience, Kate is a Ceremonialist, a TEDx speaker, and has hosted and taught at numerous retreats around the world in locations such as Bali, Italy, Egypt, and Norway. Alongside her intuitive gifts, Kate has also studied and certified in a host of healing modalities ranging from breathwork, the path of Myrrhophore (sacred anointing), sound healing, energetic healing, yoga, meditation, body reading, and others. You can learn more about Kate here.
Stay up to date with the latest trainings, retreats, events and Feminine Code updates.