The Sacred


A Year-and-a-Day Priestess Spiral Guided by The Sacred Seasons

November 2024 - November 2025

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Do you feel the Divine Feminine asking to
rise within you? The sacred is calling. It's
time to emerge. It's time to rise, together.

The Feminine Code Priestess School Presents:

The Sacred Spiral Priestess

The Feminine Code Priestess School Presents:

The Sacred Spiral Priestess

A Year-and-a-Day Journey
Guided By the Sacred Seasons

The Sacred Spiral is a deep and ceremonious journey, infused with seasonal wisdom, led by Kate Murphy.
Immerse yourself into ceremonies, rituals, and wisdom teachings, while you learn to embody the sacred feminine and the old ways into your everyday life.
For centuries, many of our ancestors honored the seasons, Mother Nature, the Divine Feminine & Masculine, and wove the sacred into every area of life. Our ancestors likely gathered in ceremony, sat around fires, cleansed, purified, prayed, and blessed.
As we call back the wisdom of the ancients, we are breathing new life into the wisdom ways. The Sacred Spiral Priestess Training is here to weave nature’s mystery and powerful traditions back into our daily lives, so that you may have a more sacred experience in this lifetime.
As an Initiated High Priestess, I have led thousands of
women through ceremonies, rites, blessings, and rituals -
a practice I have been devoted for over 13 years.
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As an Initiated High Priestess, I have held space for thousands of
women in ceremonies, rites, blessings, and rituals -
a path I have been devoted to for over 13 years.

The Training: The Wheel of The
Year + The Directions

You will journey through the cycles and seasons of an entire year-and-a-day in The Sacred Spiral Training.

The Wheel of the Year's power and wisdom is that it challenges our modern linear view of time, highlighting the recurring cycle of death and rebirth.

 Through The Wheel of the Year, we learn to connect with the energy of each season, harnessing the wisdom present within each one. Thus, we are able to see the magic in every aspect of life, cycle, and journey, understanding that there is potent medicine at every step of the way.

As you move through the Wheel of the Year, you will learn to work with the Holy Days, the seasons, the directions, and the elements.

Why the Wheel of The Year?

The Wheel of the Year is a spiral. A journey of seasons. A spiral of 8 High Holy Days over the course of the year based on solar and lunar aspects. The Wheel of the Year for our purposes, is also a spiral towards change, healing, understanding, and depth of connection. In many ways, The Wheel of the Year is actually a depiction of our own journey of ascent and descent - an ancient guidebook that remains as relevant today as it was centuries ago. While the Wheel of the Year itself is a relatively new creation, the concept of following the seasons and celebrating their importance is age-old.
The Feminine Code Priestess School extends a warm welcome to all women, from anywhere, regardless of whether you have Northern European ancestry, or you live in a place with the seasons. As a woman, your body knows cycles, it moves through its own seasons - perhaps monthly, but so too, in life stages. The seasons are helpful, as they bring forward a natural structure, not one built on external dogmas, but rather, one built upon Great Nature.

of The Sacred Spiral Priestess Training

Over the course of the year, we will travel through the four directions: North, East, South, and West. Each direction is connected to a season and consists of two High Holy Days, based on the Wheel of the Year.

Upon signing up, you commit to the full-year training, including all eight modules in all four directions and seasons.
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Here’s how we will journey:

Winter - North
[November - January]
Content drops:
Samhain - October 31st
Yule - December 21st
Spring - East
[February -April]
Content drops:  
Imbolc - February 1st
Ostara - March 22nd
Summer - South
[May - July]
Content drops:
Beltaine - May 1st
Litha - June 21st
Autumn - West
[August - October]
Content drops:
Lughnasadh - August 1st
Mabon - September 22nd

The Five Elements of
The Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey

Each module, we will move through each of the elementals as study guides in our teachings,
giving us a deeper understanding of the energies of each season.

Learn through the art of communication in your workbooks and writing exercises
Learn how to make daily magic by creating sacred rituals, practices, and tools
Learn to embody the sacred feminine within you through grounded practices
Learn to dive more deeply into your intuitive gifts and dive into journeying and healing.
Commune with our global sisterhood in High Holy Day Ceremonies every 6 weeks
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Is this training for you?

If your heart has been longing for a deeper connection to the sacred feminine, but you haven’t been sure where to start, I created The Sacred Spiral Priestess Training for you.

If you have been hearing the call to deepen your connection to self and to something greater in a way that honors the feminine, you are called here.

If you’ve noticed yourself evolving personally, professionally, and spiritually, but have been looking for a powerful space to deepen that work with other like-minded women, then you belong here.

If you’ve been feeling a pull at your heart when you read or hear the word “priestess” or have been given a sign that there are ancient & sacred teachings living inside and ready to be awakened, then you are welcome here.

If you’re tired of the regular personal development paths that ignore the power of the sacred, sisterhood, ritual, and ceremony, then you belong here.


9 Live Ceremonies

Connect with women from around the world in one of the most powerful pieces of Priestessing: Ceremony. Join live, or watch the recording, and be ready to shift, move and heal in ways you have never explored. This alone changes lives.

Monthly Q&A Live Calls
with Kate

Join Kate and the community each Season for a deep dive into live Q&A regarding all that which arises during the training - 12 Live Calls!

Seasonal Resources

Receive rich workbooks, readings and prompts that guide you deeper into the wisdom serving both your mind and heart as you learn more about this sacred path.

Plus EACH MODULE You'll Also Receive:

A seasonal guided journey or healing based on a divine feminine archetype
Embodied exercises to guide you to living out the teachings
Access to a global community of incredible women
Teachings on how to create ritual and ceremony for each season
Guidance and instructions for creating sacred tools for each season
A Certificate of Completing The Feminine Code Sacred Spiral - the first training year for those who wish to initiate in the future with The Feminine Code

Monthly Q&A Live Calls 
with Kate

Join Kate and the community each Season for a deep dive into live Q&A regarding all that which arises during the training - 12 Live Calls!

How does this feel in
your Body?

When you think about weaving the sacred into your daily life, practicing an
embodied way of living that honors the sacred feminine, moving with the seasons
and cycles, and living in a state of gratitude through ceremony and ritual…
does it feel like a “Yes?”

Sacred Spiral Invitation


Pay in 3 Instalments:
Spiral from 2024 - 2025

$1200 USD

(3 payments - within 3 months)

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Spiral from 2024 - 2025

$3500 USD

(One Time Payment)

Apply Now

Upcoming Events


August 7th, 2024
10 AM PST / 1 PM EST / 7 PM CET


September 22nd, 2024
10 AM PST / 1 PM EST / 7 PM CET



    The Feminine Code’s priestess path is non-dogmatic, in the sense that you are working with the alchemy of the Sacred Feminine and its wisdom. All women are welcome here - all beliefs, from all backgrounds, from all places. The Feminine Code Priestess School combines teachings from several different lineages that Kate has studied and initiated into, including that of her Celtic ancestral heritage. Kate’s initiations include Mary Magdalene’s Priestess lineage, and is an initiated High Priestess of the Rose Lineage, a Priestess of Avalon, and a Priestess of the Golden Age (ancient Egypt). Weaving together the earthly paths with the celestial, you will embark on a journey with Great Nature in what is referred to as The Feminine Code

    You will be walking the path of the Priestess and guided in many ancient practices, but The Sacred Spiral is only the first year of a several-year initiatory path offered by The Feminine Code Priestess School. The Sacred Spiral serves as the foundational prerequisite training required for the second year. This work is essential for anyone wishing to walk this path devotionally and those intending to initiate into the priestess path with Kate in the future. This program is a community-focused container for wisdom teachings and learnings that you can incorporate into your own life to begin or deepen your spiritual journey. Initiation is a process that requires years of deep commitment. Kate believes it would not be in integrity to initiate someone within the single-year training of The Sacred Spiral alone.
  • Can I still participate in the course if I don’t have any prior knowledge or training about the Divine Feminine?

    The doors to The Feminine Code Priestess School are wide open to all those who are feeling a call to delve into the timeless wisdom of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine in balance, Mother Nature, and the cycles of the natural world. All cultural or religious backgrounds are welcome here and do not compete. Think of Priestess School as a place where you can gain a wider breadth of how you experience spirituality. If you're new to this space, be assured that this journey will usher in a completely transformed connection with the Sacred, the feminine, and, above all, with your own authentic self. No prior training or initiation is required.
  • I AM GOING THROUGH A LOT and not sure I have the space for something like this right now - is this program suitable for me?

    Absolutely. This program is created in a way that you can ebb and flow with the material. There is no rush, limited homework and it is totally at your own pace. Everything is recorded if you can’t make it live, so you can also dive into all the content at the same time. Especially if you’re going through some big transition, this work will help to hold you through it and bring the sacred understanding into your stage in life. You are supported and welcomed here.
  • With numerous spiritual programs available, what sets this one apart and makes it the right choice?

    First and foremost, it's essential to acknowledge that there's no definitive "right choice" in this journey. Every experience, be it through a program, coach, mentor, or spiritual teacher, offers valuable lessons. What truly matters is the resonance of energy and trust that you feel with your chosen guide for this particular point on your path.  This decision is deeply intuitive and can only be made by you. If you sense that inner calling, then it is undoubtedly meant for you.

    That being said, The Feminine Code Priestess School brings forward a very grounded approach to an area that can sometimes feel less tangible to grasp. Kate is deeply devoted to this path and practices what she preaches - you will feel that expressed in everything you receive in this offering.

    To answer this question in a few sentences would be doing a disservice, but in an attempt to shed light on an important question: a priestess is a guardian of ancient wisdom, a spaceholder, a healer, and an embodiment of an integrated feminine and masculine leader. The priestess honours the Sacred Feminine and acknowledges the importance of balance and unity. With a deep connection to nature and an understanding of natural rhythms, she perceives the sacred within each individual, recognizing the oneness that exists between the Divine, nature, and humanity.
  • Can you really learn Priestessing online?

    While there are aspects of walking the priestess path that are important to be in the physical plane together, much of the work and teachings happen on an energetic level. As a result, the online space can be a wonderful way to dive into these teachings with less distraction and in the privacy of your own home. While there will be in-person opportunities to work together throughout the year, you can glean so much depth from the online Sacred Spiral training and Feminine Code Priestess School. The energy within these digital containers transcends the constraints of time and space. Even though the setting is virtual, it remains profoundly sacred and potent.
  • How can one balance the demands of a busy life with the sacred path of the Priestess?

    In the midst of life's busyness, embracing the path of the Priestess is even more potent and important. If you’re feeling like there is too much going on and you’re spread thin, we encourage you even more greatly that this path is so deeply important.

    The teachings guide you to weaving the sacred feminine into your daily life, bringing harmony and integration as a natural by-product. By recognizing the significance of balance between the feminine and masculine, nurturing a deep connection with nature, and aligning with natural rhythms, one can weave the sacred into everyday existence.

    Moreover, it's worth noting that for those who embark on this sacred journey, the course materials are thoughtfully provided with flexibility in mind. Participants are granted ample time to navigate the materials at their own pace, allowing each individual to tailor their experience according to their unique circumstances and schedules. This is not an “intensive course,” it’s an embodied container that spans weeks to months. While the live ceremonies have fixed dates (but are recorded), the majority of the course content is designed to accommodate the diverse rhythms of life, ensuring that the sacred path of the Priestess remains accessible and achievable.

  • Will I get instant access to all the course materials?

    In the event that you miss a live session, you'll still have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the magick by receiving the recording of the ceremony. This allows you to explore the sacred teachings at your own comfortable pace. It's worth noting that The Sacred Spiral moves with the divine feminine rhythms, and so come when you wish, do what you can.

    The rhythm and pace at which you navigate the materials are entirely under your control. While Kate will offer new insights and wisdom, the heart of this transformative journey resides within you. Thus, it's paramount that you progress at a pace that feels most aligned with your needs.

  • What happens if I miss the live sessions?

    A recording will be uploaded to the Sacred Spiral portal the same day of each recording, so you can watch at your leisure.
  • Will I get the chance to connect with the community?

    At the core of Priestessing is the art of creating and nurturing communities. You'll be given the opportunity to connect with other women in the ceremonies as well as through our private online community (which is optional). You will have the wonderful opportunity to meet and connect with remarkable women hailing from diverse corners of the world, each bringing a rich tapestry of professional, spiritual, and cultural backgrounds.
  • I'm truly drawn to the Priestess School, though I'm currently facing budget constraints. Do you offer any payment plans or scholarships?

    Kate holds a strong belief that this wisdom should be available to as many people as possible, and she wholeheartedly understands that financial challenges can sometimes be a barrier to that accessibility. Kate’s vision for both The Feminine Code Business School and The Feminine Code Priestess School is to empower women to find freedom in all aspects of their lives: financially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. She is confident that this program will exceed your initial expectations upon registration.

    To ensure inclusivity, Kate offers both payment plans and scholarship opportunities. For more detailed information, please feel free to reach out to us via email at
  • Is it possible to obtain a refund?

    Please be aware that all sales are final, and refunds are not provided. We genuinely believe that our community and content will offer you a profoundly enriching and soul-nurturing experience. We trust that you'll discover such value in it that the thought of leaving won't cross your mind. If you have any questions or concerns about registering for any of The Feminine Code Priestess School’s offerings, please feel free to reach out to us via email at
  • What’s the difference between Feminine Code Priestess School and The Sacred Spiral Priestess Training?

    The Feminine Code Priestess School (FCPS) is the container that will hold all future courses, training, retreats, and events related to the Priestess Path. The Sacred Spiral Priestess Training is the first offering by the FCPS and marks the first year of initiation as a Priestess.

    Connect with us by email at
Connect on Instagram @thisiskatemurphy
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