Secrets of samhain

A Free Ceremony & Immersion
into the Priestess Arts of Samhain
Join us live on November 3rd
11 AM PST / 2 PM EST / 8 PM CET


FREE 90-Minute Secrets of Samhain Online Ceremony

Many moons ago, our ancestors gathered in sacred ways to dive into the mysteries, celebrate gifts and share wisdom. Ceremony was commonplace, ritual was woven into daily existence and gatherings were sacred.

As we reclaim the wisdom of our ancestors, we remember who we are, we reclaim the power that is innately within us, we restore the sovereignty that is our birthright.

At the magikal time of Samhain, we are celebrating the opening of The Feminine Code's Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey, in this 90-minute free Samhain Ceremony. This is an offering, a gift to experience the magic of ceremony, sisterhood, ritual, and magic, and to dive deeply into the wisdom of Great Nature.

Date : november 3rd, 2024 | 11 AM PST / 2 PM EST / 8 PM CET


In this 90-minute FREE Secrets of Samhain Ceremony, you will receive deep seasonal wisdom, guidance on rituals for creating a more sacred life, and a ceremony to support your spiritual journey.

You'll also receive a free workbook, and a powerful immersion into the Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey. This ceremony will also provide you with a taste of what it feels like to walk the path of the Priestess and learn about the ancient sacred feminine teachings that are now rising all around the world.

Without giving away the secrets, here's what's in store:

Learn about the Secrets of Samhain, as well as the history of the celebration
Dive deeply into the power of Ceremony and experience the magick of ritual
Connect in community and sisterhood with other women around the world
Create a Samhain ritual that supports your spiritual path
Receive 1 Free Samhain Workbook & 1 Free Samhain Ritual Guide
Learn about Kate's upcoming Year-and-a-Day Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey, designed to help you reclaim the inner-Priestess and weave the sacred into every area of your life.
Register Here

You will also receive access to the Secrets of Samhain Workbook as well as a Ritual Guide before our session.

Dive even more deeply to the season with a workbook before our ceremony and a second ritual guide to follow. These free offerings are here to deepen your experience and to ensure you receive the most out of our session together.

Meet Kate, Your Guide

Kate is an Initiated and Ordained High Priestess, entrepreneur and Founder.  Her own path has been a spiral - one which combined walking the path of the Priestess and founding several successful companies. Her passion is weaving the sacred into the every day, and today, Kate supports thousands of women from around the world on their personal journeys to do just that.

Kate has initiated and Ordained as both Priestess and High Priestess within the Rose Lineage, descending from the Magdalene line. She has also studied and trained within The Golden Age Lineage (ancient Egypt), Myrrhophore tradition, and is also an initiated Priestess of Avalon. Additionally, Kate’s Celtic ancestry influences much of her work. Her work weaves teachings with these different influences into what she refers to as The Feminine Code - a code that is centred in union. The core of all these teachings is rooted in nature, based on love and is a non-dogmatic approach that is accessible to all women who are open to the alchemy of Divine Union & Great Nature.

Kate’s devotion permeates through all her work, including her business endeavours, where she has also worked with thousands of women to help them weave the divine masculine and feminine aspects together to create and scale businesses that are aligned and successful. Her grounded approach to spirituality makes her teachings accessible and relevant to many. Kate is also a Ceremonialist, a TEDx speaker, and has hosted numerous retreats around the world in locations such as Bali, Egypt, and Norway. Alongside her intuitive gifts, Kate has also studied and certified in a host of healing modalities.