High Vibe Skincare & why it matters: An Interview with Max & Me's Founder Tonje

This beautiful interview was originally for my natural beauty and wellness blog I started as a hobby back in 2011. And while I don't write much over there anymore, I still want to share this beautiful post on high vibe skincare, because it matters.



I love when serendipity strikes. It happened again this weekend when I was traveling to Vienna to practice yoga under the beautiful teacher Elena Brower. This was so special because not only was I given the gift of indulging in my own practice for the weekend, but it also happened to be the home of one of my favourite natural high vibe skincare brands, Max & Me.

Where do I even begin with this brand? The ingredients are sublime (the plants used in their products are expressing themselves at their highest vibration), the packaging beautiful, the love that goes into each glass jar is incredible (an energetically cleansed studio space, where mobile devices are left outside the door and beautiful intentions and high vibrations are brought in), the founders are radiating authentic, pure love… the list goes on. This is truly a work of love and it shows.

Max & Me was founded 7 years ago by husband and wife duo Max and Tanja. Dually inspired by both their love and their childhood living and working with plants (Max grew up on a farm and Tanja grew up in the country where she cultivated her own roses), they created this beautiful line of skincare that truly has some of the finest formulations and efficacy.

The light that shone through the screen on Tanja and my first Skype call, I knew I had to meet her in person – she is a true, glowing gem. As an energy worker, aromatherapist, creative director and kinesiologist, Tanja was meant for this work.

Below is an excerpt of some of our time together at their beautiful home, garden and studio in Vienna. After a beautiful lunch of steamed asparagus salad, fresh pressed orange and basil juice and fresh organic market berries, we dug into all things skincare, energy and nature.

LPN: Your garden and products are so connected to plants. How did your relationships to plants begin?

Tanja: I spent my childhood in a very special place, surrounded by pristine nature, the woods and many flowery meadows. It was here I first learned that plants had energy and that their energy communicated with mine. This was a deep experience for me that is still rooted down in my soul. Max grew up on a farm and is very connected to the earth cycles, seeding, fostering and harvesting plants. Both Max and I come from a place where we were very much entwined with mother earth.

LPN: The beginning sounds beautiful – How do you continue to build your relationship to plants today?

Tanja: Today we work a lot in our own garden and try to have plants which feel at home in our climate, so we can get to know them as you would get to know a really dear friend: different moods, different cycles of the year, what their strengths are and what their weaknesses are, and this is how we are able to know what they can offer you. Each and every day in the evening (regardless of weather and how late) we stroll in the garden to connect with the plants.

LPN: How did your high vibe skincare line come to life?

Tanja: Both Max and I wanted to birth something into the world that was doing good and the idea grew that we wanted to create skincare that infuses you with the most beautiful flow of energy and of course creates beautiful skin. But your skin is influenced by so many things, your thoughts, emotions, patterns and blockages and we thought “wouldn’t it be beautiful if we created skincare with the wholeness in mind.” Although people are very aware of their physical body, we are energy beings and everything is energy. Science states that vibration is the phenomenon that underlies all physical things we see and have, so this realization was very important. We wanted to created something that helped people care for not just the physical body but also the subtle body.

LPN: You speak a lot about vibrancy of the plants, could you speak a bit about why it is important?

Tanja: It makes a difference how high something vibrates. Research has shown that certain vibrations create certain outcomes, for example if your body is vibrating in a high range, it opens up to healing or if it vibrates in a low range, people become sick. If something vibrates at a higher amplitude, this means, for example, a plant has more light particles and is deeply connected with its inner healing abilities. Working with plant materials that are highly vibrant we are able to transmit those vibrations with all their amazing benefits for skin & soul into our products.

LPN: I’ve heard that rose is the highest vibrating plant, is that true?

Tanja: To my experience and understanding – as with all flowers/plants – there are highly vibrant ones and not so highly vibrant ones. There are roses having an unbelievably high and pure vibrancy and roses that don’t. No two plants or essential oils of the same species have the same vibration, since their vibration is their personal energy frequency. In order for a plant to be highly vibrant, the plant needs to be growing in conditions that are right for the plant: soil-wise, gardener’s intention, the subtle energy of the place (it could be the country / continent or just the surroundings). Yes orchids and frangipani are highly vibrant, but sometimes you also have a root that is highly vibrant.

I am a huge fan of roses, breeding and nurturing them since my late teenage years and now tending them in our manufactory’s garden. My love for them can be felt in all our products which mostly embrace rose Damask in their flowery bouquet. The essential rose oil resonates with the energy in your heart, opens you to love, nourishes the light in your heart and also joyously works with your heart chakra which, in turn, is closely entwined with the beauty, the health and the appearance of your skin. Rose is such a precious treasure, offering us a most beautiful essential oil which heals emotionally while clearing heat and inflammation, releasing stagnant conditions, and helping to restore the body’s yin energy. Rose is also deeply hydrating, and rejuvenating.

I especially love frangipani which I first discovered in Bali – one of my favourite islands – and which I have just experienced last summer in Maui where the early morning and evening air is infused with their sweet, intoxicating scent. I just had to sit under a frangipani tree patiently waiting until it gifted me with a flower, letting it sail right into my lap, to then put it behind my ear. What an immense joy, to have the ravishing scent so near. I expressed my love for this gorgeous flower in embracing its CO2 extraction in both facial oils.

LPN: What was the first product you brought to life?

Tanja: Mesmerizing, the plant body oil was the first one, and six others followed not long after that. I am the formulator, and it’s a very intuitive process for me. I meditate and tune into the plants before creating. It’s not something I think about, it’s more like a dance, and it’s the most beautiful part of it all. Right now I am dancing again because I am creating a new product that will come out very soon.

LPN: You have so many beautiful ingredients in your high vibe skincare range, but I want to know your top three ingredients.

Tanja: That’s a very difficult question, but I would say out of the spur of the moment: Jasmine. We traveled to Vietnam and saw it growing there filling the streets, the shops, the restaurants with its incredible beauty & scent –  it was so intoxicating and ravishing. The second is Helichrysum italicum, we travelled to the island of Corse and went high up the mountains with the growers to see the wild growing plant growing in its natural habitat, and you could so clearly feel the energy of that plant and how deeply healing it is. It can, for example, heal traumatized skin on such a deep level, like age-old scars, it will cause them to resurface again and heal it again (Helichrysum also does this to your soul). Last, it would be raw Manuka honey – this is so beautiful – it is so deeply healing and it’s a humectant. I also adore Manuka essential oil (which I fell in love with in New Zealand, and used it every day while I was there, to really get to know it in all its beauty).

LPN: You’re such a picture of wellness; what is your morning routine like?

Tanja: I start with a short meditation everyday, I use the “I am the Light” oil and that helps me set up for my day. I rub it in my hands, breathe it in and hold some acupressure points. After I finish my meditation, I do my skincare ritual – everyday is Purity and Grace (Oil Cleanser) and I am the Light (Serum) and if I have a little extra time, I wash my face with Sweet Serenity (Mask and Wash). It’s only five minutes, but when you do it with intention, it can really help fulfill you. After that it’s last minute homework and breakfast for the kids. Following the kids heading off to school, I tune in again to see what needs to be done for the day.

LPN: What are some wellness practices that punctuate your day?

Tanja: Always daily I need to move my body, whether it’s going for a walk or yoga, it is so important. I also love to drink pressed juice, and eat fresh foods that feel good in the body. My body feels better when I’m eating freshly picked fruits and foods where the energy is very high.

LPN: Some of your products have won awards, tell me more.

Tanja: Our first one was Enchanted which won facial oil at the Indie Beauty Expo in 2016 and the Mask & Wash won best mask in 2017 and again Mask & Wash won Beauty Shortlist Award in 2018, as well as Enchanted and for Circle of Protection Body Plant Oil.

LPN: What is your favourite product in your line?

Tanja: It has to be Mask&Wash. It is important to mix this with water! Even though it looks like a beautiful mouse, it still needs to be married with water to bring together the honey and the beauty oils. This makes it so much more beautifully experienced.

Max&Me ships worldwide, and you can find them here.

Use LNP150 as a code with your purchase of 150 Euro or more you will receive three beautiful gifts with your purchase: 5ml mask&wash, 5ml beauty balm and 10 ml purity & grace (oil cleanser).

I’m so excited to have shed a bit more well deserved light onto this high vibe skincare brand – I hope you enjoy their beautiful treats on your skin soon. Let me know how your experience goes.

Big Love,



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