Welcome to the Quickening - Imbolc has arrived!

Stirring and rebirthing in the Imbolc portal. Welcome to the first High Holy Day of 2022, and the New Moon in Aquarius.

Imbolc, is a cross-quarter day, meaning it comes between a solstice (Yule,  Winter Solstice) and an equinox (Ostara, Spring Equinox). It is the time of things coming to life again 🦋 and the first signs of spring beginning to emerge.

It is now that we are emerging towards, things begin to stir again and the life force of mother earth is boiling up. The sap in the trees is rising, and the first crocuses are poking through the frosty fields. Imbolc (coming from the old Irish meaning “in the belly”), is in reference to the new beginnings happening all around us. The life force that was quietly resting during the winter months is coiling like a serpent at the base of the spine of Mother Earth.

With Imbolc, also comes the New Moon in Aquarius - this comes after the solar Capricorn portal we have been in for the last moon cycle. We’ve spent the last month planning and grounding our ideas, wishes, and desires in Capricorn. Taking time to plant the seeds of our dreams into this reality. Now it is time to connect with the Air sign’s element, and the power of wind. Air signs govern the throat chakra and so it is time to speak up and voice your dreams into reality - Welcome, Aquarius Season.

Speak your authentic truth, then watch. Watch your reality become what you've been dreaming about.

Aquarius, the season of evolution and innovation, finds itself in the time of spring preparations. Cleaning your tools so that you can do the work you need to move forward.

What proverbial tools are you cleaning for your planting season? Are you reigniting practices that help you feel more aligned as we move towards the awakening? Are you reconnecting to what you wish to spend your time on in the seasons ahead?

Created by Artist Wendy Andrew

Through this awakening, we are accompanied by the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone), the Solar and Lunar Goddess, and the Lady of the four elements. Imbolc is her expression as the Maiden, as the rebirth is beginning, so it is no wonder that she is also the Goddess of transformation and awakening, unifying people and the elements.

Brigid is a unique Goddess in that there is also a Saint Brigid. Legendary Brigid is from the Tuatha de Danaan, and her mystical origins date back all the way to Atlanteans coming to Ireland. The Saint Brigid celebrated today in Ireland came from her devotion to giving her wealth away to those less fortunate. Since 500 AD, she was celebrated by making a Brigid’s Cross and giving them to the village houses. The Crosses were then placed on the front doors to represent her light and protection, as well as bless the lands with a fertile season ahead.

It is said that the Serpent comes out of its hibernation on Imbolc, symbolizing the Kundalini Shakti and Spiritual Sexual energy awakening and rising within. Through the elements and her magic, Brigid looks over the growth and fertility of all plants and animals awakening after the cold winter months.

A way to Honour Brigid this season is to honour the four elements she governs, you can do this by creating an altar for Imbolc and adding to it:

  • Brigid Cross
  • Plants and Herbs: Oak, Lavender, Crocus, Rosemary
  • Symbols: Serpents, Fire - Candles, Written and Spoken words, Healing plants, Seeds.

Practices you can incorporate the next few months:

  • Waking up to watch the sun rise
  • Weave your own Brigid Cross
  • Light a Candle and invite her into your home
  • Take a stand for those who can’t
  • Sprinkle water in her name your homes, fields and gardens
  • Be generous and offer love or wealth to people who need it
  • Plant trees, herbs and flowers
  • Tend to the earth

Blessed Imbolc! If you love learning about different Goddess archetypes and the divine feminine, and are looking to deepen your spiritual practice this year, you are so welcome to join the waitlist for The Feminine Code Collective. Doors will open this spring, and you can find more information here.


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